
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My Impressions of WebQuest

I had never heard of WebQuests before this class and now I am very glad to be introduced to them! Basically, a WebQuest is an interactive lesson on the internet that taps into inquiry based learning in order for students to learn new information. In a day and age where the younger you are, the more you probably know about computers seems to be the trend, I think it is important that we engage our students in online learning. I know that my multi-handicapped students at the school for the deaf loved using the computer! For some of them, because of limited physical motor skills, typing on the computer and moving a large mouse was easier for them than writing with a pen or pencil. I feel WebQuests will not only generate interest, but will allow for a new style of learning to take place. Additionally, students will have the experience of learning from one another, consulting online databases, internet sites, and other non-traditional resources.
 One way I would use a WebQuest in my classroom would be for a substitute teaching plan. There are so many WebQuests online and by using Quest you can narrow your search to fit your specific subject of a WebQuest. Secondly, I would love to use WebQuests in my classroom to begin a unit of study. I think WebQuests generate a lot of student involvement and curiosity, and what better to start a unit than with students who are eager to participate? Lastly, I would use a WebQuest to introduce how to do research. It is important that students learn more than how to Google a term when looking for good research. There are several WebQuests that I have seen that help students learn the skills and values necessary to conduct good research.

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