
Monday, July 16, 2012

Interactive Whiteboard/ ActivInspire

This was my first time every using the ActivInspire software and I did not like it at all! I found the program extremely cumbersome and difficult to navigate. I really hope that I am not expected to use an interactive whiteboard in my classroom! This project took about nine hours worth of work and I feel like I could have churned out the same product (or better!) using MS PowerPoint in 1/3 of the time. I was frustrated and bored during nearly the entire project. I had to use the "search" features multiple times just to find the items I wanted to use. The most frustrating things about this program are: 1) the fact that each piece is built independently 2) these pieces move around unless you "lock" them down 3) there are three ways to do the same things in the program; the tool bar, the icons, and the menu. That feature alone made the program so much more complicated.
As far as learning about interactive whiteboards in this TPTE class, I found it extremely helpful! I would much rather be frustrated as a learner than as a teacher/professional. Now I at least know how to use the site and could use it if required to by my administration. Other than that, I will not be returning to this program anytime soon.

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